Standpoints (Blog)


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More and more frequently, Ukrainian media, channels, websites, and podcasts feature alarmist, destructive, fear-mongering, and panicked experts and analysts (some of whom are far from Ukraine, safely tucked away somewhere in Europe or the USA). They depict how bad the situation is and point out the gross mistakes and criminal negligence committed by political and military leaders in Ukraine. It is becoming a trend—a frantic competition over who can paint a gloomier picture and who can criticize those making top-level decisions in the country most harshly.


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I will share some reflections on what I call blind (or shortsighted) hope that Trump is a panacea for all global woes, or at least most of them, or, at the very least, for Putin’s Russia’s war against Ukraine.

I won’t dwell at length on the following:
First, the U.S.’s shift far to the right, toward ultra-right extremism.
One reason for this shift is that the previously perfect value formula—WASP (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant)—which, through the American melting pot, provided direction and a recipe for success, is no longer functional. It was centrist at its core and effectively isolated the extremes.


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Old age, when senility strips it of wisdom and nobility, when it is filled with hatred and complexes because of what it has experienced or wanted to achieve but never did, can lack brakes and restraints. It can be vile, ugly, spiteful, and vengeful.
Such old age is often irresponsible and indifferent to what will come after it – for it knows it won’t be there! Especially as it is inevitably afflicted by the natural ailments of age, above all sclerosis and dementia.
Old age is a trial not everyone can face with dignity and nobility.

Today, the world faces the terrible threat of two men afflicted by bouts of sclerosis and dementia – two absolute senile madmen, misanthropes, fraudsters, and scoundrels – forging a sinister double alliance of senile political psychopaths, poised to throw the world into an unimaginably deep abyss. And they couldn’t care less about the consequences, because by the time the world suffers at the bottom of that abyss and exerts colossal efforts to climb out, they will no longer be here. They will no longer be alive.

The Threat - Putin's Russia

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Putin's Russia is heading down an utterly flawed path, descending into a completely predetermined decline. This descent encompasses geopolitical, technological, mental, and economic dimensions simultaneously.
Even venturing down one of these alone today could likely bring a nation closer to catastrophe, yet Putin's Russia is plunging down all four at once.
Its catastrophe is inevitable. If you don’t mind, remember this prediction of mine—it may turn out to be a prophecy.

Putin's Russia, as it has throughout its history at least since Ivan the Terrible, seizes territories, subjugates the people there, exploits them, and survives at their expense.
This was feasible during the age of empires—every empire, to some extent, operated in this manner. But today, empires are no longer viable.
Even the United States must be cautious. It is democracy that saves the U.S. from erosion and disintegration. The assaults on democracy by the cynical Trump could have fatal consequences for the country.
Putin’s Russia is an empire in a post-imperial world. It is the last dinosaur doomed to extinction.

Today’s world is advancing into a new era of genetic, industrial, medical, space, informational, communicational technologies, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing.
For Putin’s Russia, these are a black hole. It is undergoing technological regression, losing its capability and prospects to catch up with the modern world or even attach itself to the third-class wagon in this new era.
It suffers from an anti-technological obscurantism.

Rashism, great Russian chauvinism, brute force, hatred for those who think differently, a dreadful assault on liberal democratic values and diversity, and the most reactionary, archaic form of Orthodoxy—some of which infects part of our own synod, alas…


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My theses about the Rashist War against Ukraine following Trump's election.

About Trump:

1. Trump has no plan whatsoever to stop the war.
2. All of Trump's pre-election bragging was utterly irresponsible boasting.
3. Trump has only "carrots" for Putin and exclusively "sticks" for Zelensky.
4. Trump is a hardened cynic and a spineless demagogue.
Is there hope?
Yes, I like to say that hope, as the ultimate fool, dies last.
And my father used to say that nothing is ever as bad as it seems, though it’s also never as good as we’d like it to be.

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