The translation was done by the AI.

More and more frequently, Ukrainian media, channels, websites, and podcasts feature alarmist, destructive, fear-mongering, and panicked experts and analysts (some of whom are far from Ukraine, safely tucked away somewhere in Europe or the USA). They depict how bad the situation is and point out the gross mistakes and criminal negligence committed by political and military leaders in Ukraine. It is becoming a trend—a frantic competition over who can paint a gloomier picture and who can criticize those making top-level decisions in the country most harshly.

There’s no longer a need to listen to Rashist propagandists from Z-channels or their TV villains; Ukrainian counterparts provide enough apocalyptic, defeatist, capitulationist, and pessimistic perspectives.

Rashist propaganda, like a Chinese water torture (and not just with Chinese assistance and arms), has infiltrated Ukraine’s so-called mass "disinformation" media.

Thus, the enormous advantage of Rashistan in manpower, equipment, missiles, and shells, combined with the West’s dishonorable abandonment of Ukraine, the “Trumpification” of the West’s stance towards Ukraine, amplifies processes within Ukraine where people begin hunting for traitors among their own ranks, searching for enemies with party memberships.

This helps in no way—it only accelerates demoralization and disorganization.

Now crawling out of their hideouts are illegal intellectual heirs of Arestovych, prophets of inevitable defeat, strategic tacticians and tactical strategists, bearers of ultimate truth predicting catastrophe, couch-bound doomsayers sniffing up pessimism—who claim that the situation is not because a 120-kilogram thug is beating a normal 70-kilogram person (with one of the latter's arms tied to their body), but rather due to traitors and incompetents. Especially Syrsky, and of course, Zelensky, because who else but Zelensky, this tragic comic figure with comic tragedy as a leader and president!

This disgusting self-flagellation and denigration of everything Ukrainian—by Ukrainians themselves! And it is precisely these Ukrainians who are pulling, pushing, shoving Ukraine back into the chaos of pre-2014, when internal discord and the lack of true love for Ukraine by many Ukrainians (who failed to understand the meaning of an independent, non-Soviet, non-socialist, non-Russian Ukraine) drove the country into the swamp of its mental fragmentation and into the lustful, vampiric embrace of the suffocating, abusive Bunker King Rat.

This can only hasten the avalanche-like collapse of the front. During war, this borders on treachery and betrayal.

Despite these repulsive collectors of likes and “subscribers,” despite these involuntary and deliberate mental acrobats betting on failure, despite these candidates for power after defeat, despite these hordes of doomsayers, Ukraine is still alive and continues to fight and defend itself for now.

But such immoral behavior could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It saps the will of Ukrainians and could lead to the collapse of society. And then the prophets of inevitable defeat will gloat—“We told you so!” And they will sit down at the table with Putin to negotiate Ukraine’s capitulation.

I do not claim that all of them aim for this, but they could very easily provoke it.



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