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A Russian-speaking, pro-Ukrainian expert:
- Putin chose the pole of Cynicism. The West responded by choosing the pole of Hypocrisy.
Drawing upon this thought, which resonates with everything I have long been writing, firmly and with immense concern, I will present here my own perspective on the current global strategic situation (and, between the lines – on the situation in our own country).
Years ago, the polarization and confrontation between the West and Russia (then the USSR) was an irreconcilable opposition between Democracy and Totalitarianism.
At that time, there was a chasm between Democracy and Totalitarianism, and it was very difficult for anyone to maintain a position "in-between."
Gradually, most political leaders aligned themselves, to one degree or another, with Democracy. This contributed to the West’s victory in that conflict.
In recent years, however, Putin has permanently positioned himself at the pole of Cynicism. He has become the most cynical politician, devoid of moral and ethical restraints.
Tragically, however, the West has shifted its behavior and positions toward the pole of Hypocrisy – toward double standards, the imitation of principles, and the simulation of defending them.
Yet, between Hypocrisy and Cynicism, there is no chasm. They are very similar in mentality and approach to problems. It is too easy to transition from one to the other, and even easier to embody both, as they are exceptionally close to one another.
Thus, it is not at all surprising that most political leaders – generally hypocritical to some extent – have started leaning towards Cynicism, clustering around this pole.
In doing so, they first transformed Democracy – through vast excesses of populism and sharp deficits of conscience – into a mere formal procedure. Then, without hesitation, they restricted and hollowed it out.
This dangerously rapid process is undermining not only the leadership but the very existence of the West.
A grim advance is taking place – if not everywhere, then on an ever-widening front – of cynical politicians. Cynicism is on the verge of becoming synonymous with international relations.
Cynicism represents the ultimate, brutal, and explosive phase of Realism and an absolute and grotesque negation of Idealism in the global, continental, regional, and national security environments.
It was only a matter of time before a seasoned cynic came to power in the United States.
For the first time in at least a century, the leaders of the U.S. and Russia share a similar mindset – an absence of morals, a void of principles, a matching arrogant rejection of political decency, and a shared contempt for any form of empathy.
Two seasoned cynics are now in power in the U.S. and Russia. This is the greatest strategic risk for the present and near future of human civilization.
December 24, 2024