Lately, I don't feel any inner need to comment on Bulgarian political life. The processes are much more complicated and at a much higher level, with much greater drama and with possible much more serious consequences, in order to enter our Bulgarian political quagmire.
And my personal reason is not the huge concern about what is happening in Ukraine. Although what is happening there is worse than the worst possible that our society currently imagines.
Logging into YouTube on my phone, I constantly see pictures of dead Ukrainian soldiers – reports of their death or burial. Always contented faces, always handsome and obviously intelligent men (mostly) – at the best creative age, capable of successful life strategies. Still young or relatively young people who must have passed me in November 2021 when I was walking around the beautiful, European Kiev; maybe they were sitting near me – happy and living with their daily thoughts, emotions and intentions – in the pleasant and with a specifically positive human atmosphere in Kyiv cafes.
My personal reason is that the banal details of Bulgarian politics - quarrels, superficial disputes, grotesque swimming in the shallow waters of public passions, hen's blindness in relation to the Main - cannot excite me. Even more so when the replacement of a well-read and intelligent prime minister with some ordinary, average, a simple figure who happened to be in a high place, who is not and cannot be at the level of the terrible challenges and risks, dangers and threats that have risen to full height and are ready to fatally seize Bulgaria.
What is Bulgaria today?
Firstly, Bulgaria is left on its own because the collective security systems of which it is a member (NATO and the EU) look in another direction, and this direction is such that they turn their backs on our country. In this way, no one controls our country in the slightest, does not discipline it at least partially, is not interested in what is happening in our country and does not care about us. And this is an opportunity that immediately appeared, which we cannot miss – to make a living in skirmishes and fights that are several light years away from the Main.
Second, Bulgaria, and even more so its national security system (of which the Judiciary is a part) is suffering from the new AIDS – the Acquired Institutional Deficiency Syndrome; it is eaten away by corruption, unprofessionalism, cowardice and spinelessness, by complete alienation from national interests and an ever-increasing Russian presence – at all levels, including to the level of „national treason“, occupying the highest institutional and political place in the state.
The Russian, rashist presence in our National Security System is more dangerous than leprosy. Because in it there are not only spies, but also people who are trained to kill and will kill – don't doubt it! – politicians, businessmen, journalists and opinion leaders on social networks that are unfavorable to Russia.
Also, to say it here so I don't forget it later, if Putin's Russia is stunningly superior to the West in anything, it's in special intelligence services. The Russian services are the real power behind Putin's regime – they are well-funded, they have multiplied and spread like cancer, they are sinister and omnipresent, they are dark and inhuman. Against their background, the West is like a maiden who lived to adulthood behind the monastery walls
(behind the monastery walls of the illusion of the complete and final victory of the Western, market-oriented, liberal democracy of the rule of law and human rights)
and she has suddenly found herself in real life, where no one gives a penny for her honor, but only looks to get her hands on the dowry that will be given for her.
Third, Bulgaria is fatally divided into two parts:
The greater part, the ugly majority, is pro-Russian, today pro-rashist, pro-Putin, pro-Russian-imperial;
The smaller part is made up of various even smaller parts, each of which has its own understandings, but at the moment they are all united by the anti-that which represents the greater part of Bulgaria.
And this smaller part still holds the front, believes and hopes, looks not to let down, supports Ukraine, but has neither the quantity nor the quality (in terms of leadership), to do anything more than that – to often fall into deaf defense or often writes smart, correct, true, accurate and adequate statuses on Facebook, talking to herself.
These two parts of Bulgaria are increasingly two millstones that do not grind wheat for our national security and independence, but are heavy enough to drag – together and separately – Bulgaria to the bottom.
Fourthly, Bulgaria is almost pathologically myopic, frivolously careless, suicidally short-sighted, with its eyes wide closed to what is coming towards it and to the choices that History
(but not the kind of History that digs into what happened and wonders how to make it what it wants – rather our historians wish what happened was what they want it to be;
but this History which is already beginning to happen and will soon happen in full force and accelerate with tremendous turbulence in its happening)
will force Bulgaria to do, and if Bulgaria does them badly and blindly, another national disaster awaits it.
Of these four characteristics (according to this – how I see it) of Bulgaria, it is natural that only the last, the fourth characteristic, which for me is the most important, can really excite me.
As political decisions, for these 35 years after November 10, Bulgaria formally (and half-heartedly) became somehow a member of the Euro-Atlantic community, and more recently – it became a member of NATO and the EU. But economically, as a system of national security and defense, as teaching and doing the Science of Security, not least mentally, our eternal Transition could not break the umbilical cord with Russia. Especially ugly and nasty was the continuation of this dependence and its transformation into a narcotic, during the Decade of Timelessness of former prime-minister Boyko Borissov. Boyko Borissov is the politician who is so harmful to Bulgaria, who became the symbol and face of tying into a strong knot our bond with Russia, which has begun to thin, and of turning this restored dependence into an unbreakable bond. Boyko Borissov returned Bulgaria to Russia's sphere of influence.
Bulgaria has no other chance to preserve its independence, its territorial integrity and sovereignty, its existence as a state, if it does not finally find the strength to break with Russia, to break free from its clutches, to join the West in a real and true way and become a normal, civilized, democratic, modern, European country.
This is the big question before Bulgaria, and there is no „and-and“ option in it.
The only option before Bulgaria – and it is an option of life or death is „either-or“.
Есшгеи Bulgaria – or with Russia.
Either Bulgaria will exist – or Bulgaria will be a peripheral and doomed province of Russia.
If I could, I would help the Bulgarian russophiles, rashistophiles to see, to understand that with their russophilia, with their rashistophilia, they have gone too far and are playing with the fate of Bulgaria.
I cannot reach them, they are blind, deaf, dumb and unable to admit their delusions.
I see it in the national security professors – they took what they could from NATO, went to its conferences and seminars, received its scholarships, studied in its universities, worked in its structures, trained in its intelligence, scientific, military and whatever centers. But today they unleashed their russophilia, their rashitophilia and showed and proved that everything else was selfish benefit and avarice, mimicry, simulation, connivance, but not inner thought and human evolution. They are still here and they are still the same, and they are poisoning the souls of students with impunity.
Yes, there is no way to reach the consciousness and humanity of the russophiles, the racistophiles, but here I will only tell them the following:
Firstly, Putin's Russia cannot give Bulgaria anything good, modern, useful, progressive. Putin's Russia lives in a fictional reality. Putin's Russia hates everything non-Russian and non-native, lives as if in a besieged fortress and does not respect the Other and the Others, looks at them consumerist, populist, appropriative, kleptomaniac. Putin's Russia is claustrophobic and provincial, it is Parkinsonian and Alzheimer's.
Putin's Russia is not a road, it is a dead street.
The Bulgarian russophiles, rashistophiles do not have the faintest idea what they love, as they love Putin's Russia and at the same time they love it more than they love Bulgaria. Because loving Putin's Russia today is like not loving Bulgaria.
Second, Putin's Russia can only bring us violence, robbery, murder, rape – no, I'm not exaggerating! – Putin's Russia will not come and conquer Bulgaria in order to do Bulgaria good. Putin's Russia will come and conquer Bulgaria to take advantage of it. Bulgaria is not a Goal for Putin's Russia, it is a means – a means for the realization of Russia's aggressive and expansionist, marauding, conquering efforts and obsessions. And everything in Bulgaria that does not agree with these efforts and obsessions of Russia will be brutally crushed, only as Russia can.
Look at what Putin's Russia is doing in Ukraine. Ukraine is a memory of the future for Bulgaria. Just as it crushes in Ukraine a people they considered fraternal, Putin's Russia will crush Bulgaria as well – it doesn't matter that it considered the Bulgarian people fraternal. In 1945-1955, we already saw what Russia could do in Bulgaria. But we from Russia have been burned by heat and still don't know how to blow...
Third, Putin's Russia will inevitably fall apart. Sooner or later it will fall apart. Such an ugly, huge, full of nations and nationalities (90% of them oppressed to this day) monster, such a geopolitical dinosaur cannot but disintegrate. There is no empire, much less a pseudo-empire, that has not collapsed. In the post-Soviet space, the process of disintegration has not ended. It only passed its first phase with the collapse of the Soviet Union.
And when Russia disintegrates and turns into an infighting and rescuing tiny kingdoms and republics one by one, Bulgaria will be punished severely and terribly, if in the meantime Russia has laid a hand on it. If we find ourselves no longer Europe, but still in Russia, which is no longer Russia, we are lost.
Fourth, Russia has no common path with human civilization. Because human civilization is walking along its amazing and wide highway of humanization, of new information, communication, gene, medical and space technologies, of Artificial Intelligence and quantum computers. This is the way and there is no other way.
History, the Big History, may have no Purpose, but it has Logic.
It won't be easy, it won't be easy at all. But humanity – left-right, left-right – will move forward.
Humanity painfully, stumbling, sometimes falling into a stupor, wavering, but it will go forward, it will not kill itself.
And Putin's Russia does not want and cannot move forward. It goes back, to the past, to the „state of nature“ of Hobbes – to the war of all against all, to the jungle of the right of power over the power of right, to butchery and violence.
Putin made Russia so that it became Putin's Russia. But Russia also made it so that it became Putin's Russia.
Putin is the reason for Putin's Russia. But Putin is also the consequence of Putin's Russia.
As long as Russia is like this, it will be Putin's Russia. It will be Putin's Russia without Putin. And after Putin.
Russia can join humanity, but only if it becomes another Russia. And if it becomes another Russia, it will not be Putin's Russia.
Russia, just Russia, not Putin's Russia – that might be possible. But only „might be“.
And while this „might be“ is rather impossible, let's all think about it, especially the russophiles, the rashistophiles in our country:
Do we want to go along with a State that does not go along with human civilization?
This is exactly what Hamlet's Question of Questions is for us:
Do we want to go along with Russia, which is going in the opposite direction of human civilization?
My answer is:
No, we don't want to.
Or at least:
No, we shouldn't want to.
This is what the Bulgarian russophiles and racistophiles should understand:
Russia can only lead us backwards, and the road back is a road to an abyss. If we fall into this abyss, there is no way out. Because this abyss is bottomless.
