The Bulgarian people are called and urged to conduct a very serious debate within and with themselves. Because the knife of the enormous danger to the national security, to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and even to the very existence of our country has reached to the bone of the social organism and can inflict irreparable wounds on it, even fatally cutting some of the political, economic, financial, social, cultural, mental and value veins and arteries of Bulgaria.
No, don't think naively and carelessly that I'm exaggerating and overdramatizing.
Things are very serious indeed and getting worse all the time.
I would especially like to be heard kindly by our politicians and young people in our Fatherland.
⁕ Politicians – so that they do not have any illusions and do not divide themselves into philes and phobes regarding Putin's Russia.
⁕ Young people – so to see – before it is fatally late – what could happen to their homeland and what future could befall them (if it can be called a future at all), if we all don't realize what a disaster for Bulgaria is Putin's Russia.
Yes, this is about Putin's Russia.
Putin's Russia is a very dangerous mutant of a state and pseudo-society that has begun to degenerate ugly.
Putin's Russia is ruled by one man, authoritarian, by force and violence.
Putin's Russia pursues all Otherness and Differences that are not pleasing to the self-forgetful dictator; it punishes not only dissent, but any thinking that anyone dares to indulge in, if it does not meet the requirements of praising the dictator and what he says and does.
Putin's Russia has no future as a normal country with a normal economy, normal media and normal approaches, ways, methods and means of governing and functioning.
Putin's Russia has only one wealth – resource wealth, and especially that related to energy raw materials – oil and gas. It, like a drug addict in the last phase of addiction, is irreversibly addicted to energy raw materials and gradually drops out of countries that can boast of high technologies in production (90% of these technologies that it still has are related to imports from developed countries – from the West (USA and Europe), China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan).
Putin's Russia has masqueraded as a raw material appendage country (mainly to China and India, to which 90% of the energy resources sold by it go). But it is not just a raw material appendage, but a raw material appendage with nuclear missiles, with an increasingly militarized industry, with increasingly warlike elites, with an increasingly fanatical and fascistized media, and with an increasingly zombified population.
In the first two decades after the start of Perestroika, albeit in a terribly unfair and endlessly controversial way, Russia managed to become a necessary democratic state with a sufficiently developed market economy. It is the still alive, struggling, cunning, nimble, enterprising and idea-rich private business of every type and kind (from progressive to criminal-related) that today still sustains Russia in the face of Western sanctions and inept economic and financial management under Putin's dictates. Russian private business was born in the conditions of a very high-risk environment and has perfect skills to continue to work in such an environment, therefore it achieves, unfortunately, incredible results in circumventing and violating Western sanctions.
But Russia, in its transition to democracy, did not carry out two much-needed revolutions (let's call them that – „revolutions“), which were carried out to one degree or another, generally to a large extent in most former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
⁕ THE FIRST OF THESE REVOLUTIONS is the change of the ruling generation.
We're talking about a generation! For the generation that rules and occupies the commanding heights of the state.
In Russia, and only in Russia, the generation born in the decade (and a few – in the decades) before 1960 remained in power. The generation formed as personalities (for many of them „personality“ is a gross exaggeration) in the late, decaying, amoral and demoralized socialism. For these people, the collapse of the Soviet Union was and remains a colossal tragedy. Not only did they begin their professional career and walk it with the biggest possible dose of cynicism, but they harbored a huge grudge against the West (despite the fact that they kept their movable and immovable property, their wives and lovers, their money and their corrupt practices in the West).
Unlike Russia, in all other European former socialist countries, the generation born in the decade (for many – in the decades) after 1970 is in power.
I was born in the decade before 1960 and I have a perfect idea of what that means for my generation. It is not for nothing that my relations with many of them have cooled, because they have neither squeezed out the socialism from themselves, nor have they immunized themselves from the absurd Soviet-philia, often mimicked as Russo-philia, and recently incurably mutated into Rashisto-philia and Putino-philia.
The generation born in the decade up to 1960 has grabbed Russia by the throat. It is indoctrinated, cynical, allergic to change, barely mastering the new information and communication technologies, sclerotizing as ideas, Alzheimer's as values, Parkinsonian as (in)capacity for development and self-improvement. For Russia, it is the scourge of God, rather, the scourge of the Devil. It is a terrible tragedy for Russia and can only lead it to a terrible tragedy.
⁕ THE SECOND OF THESE REVOLUTIONS is the liquidation of the system of socialist, forceful, repressive, ideological, immoral, worthless and sinister secret services.
Most European former socialist countries, radically reforming them, liquidated their pro-Russian, proto-totalitarian secret services.
Bulgaria did this half-heartedly and continues to suffer, and for the past ten years, in our services (to continue to call them „secret“ for the convenience of the untried reader in the matter) there has been a continuous and often downright aggressive selection of pro-Russian people; our services are beginning to swarm with people who are directly and indirectly, materially or ideally connected with the Russian secret services, especially with the FSB, the foreign military (GRU) and the foreign political (SVR) intelligence.
In Russia, the KGB remained in one form or another, the chekists were the only ones who did not change their thinking, their methods, their insolence and brutality, their violence and repression. They are sent by Putin as his faithful hunting dogs and alligators – to pounce on anyone displeasing to Putin personally or with his principles and ideas; they stifle any opposition to the regime, commit murders abroad, and are yet to commit more – both of anti-Putin activists and anti-Russian politicians and public figures, opinion leaders and bloggers.
If Russia is becoming such a monster state, it is because the rotten breath and rotten mentality of the KGB has not only remained alive, but is now more alive than ever.
After Putin's Russia could not become a world economic power with a high-tech industry, after its economy (and because of Western sanctions) began to suffocate, and its infrastructure (road, transport, aviation, heating, pipelines, etc.) began to defects continuously and accelerating; after the state exhausted all capabilities and chances to develop intensively, and its opportunities and circumstances to develop extensively deteriorated to critical limits, Putin and his embittered and inept band of cronies and loyalists have decided to embark on a new path (I'd say the use of „new“ is ironic if it weren't for something ominous).
They chose the path of the War, of the War Economy, of investing colossal funds in the Military-Industrial Complex and in „pouring“ insane amounts of Military production.
For the realization of this decision they had a „moral“ justification and an „imperial“ reason.
⁕ The „moral“ justification was that precisely through the War, the War Economy, the Military Industrial Complex and the Military Production, the USA came out of economic and financial crises several times.
A topic for another analysis is whether this is the case (more precisely, how exactly this is the case). I will only say here that there are, as they say in Odessa, two big differences between the American Military Industrial Complex and the Russian Military Industrial Complex.
--- The first difference is that the US Military Industrial Complex is almost entirely private, while the Russian Military Industrial Complex is almost entirely state-owned.
--- The second difference is that the American Military Industrial Complex is directly related to civilian production, while the Russian Military Industrial Complex is pathologically incapable of dealing with civilian production.
⁕ The „imperial“ reason was that this is exactly what empires did – they expanded with wars, they annexed new peoples (labor force) and new territories (sources of all kinds of resources).
Yes, Russia is sick of imperial conceit, of Great Russian chauvinism, of a contemptuous attitude towards other peoples and a reckless disregard for international law, but this does not make it an empire, but turns it into a geopolitical cancer that invariably and voraciously looks for where to scatter its deadly metastases.
In two words, the War against Ukraine was the result of the new geostrategic, geopolitical, geoenergy and, above all, geoeconomic strategy of the economically terminally ill Russia.
The total militarization of the Putin regime has become the new support and the new creed of Putin's militarized totalitarianism.
Putin and his treacherous ruling gang, his increasingly brash and cynical apologists and publicists rave about the alleged growth of the Russian economy as a result of the War, the War Economy, the Military Industrial Complex and Military Production, and trumpet the boom of Russia, the rumors of which are greatly exaggerated.
Nothing that this growth is temporary and has already begun to slow down, inevitably turning into its own negation.
Nothing that what the military factories produce is neither for eating, nor for clothing, nor for transport, nor for medicine, but is disposable and is disposed of very quickly on the battlefields.
Nothing that the money paid – they say that 7,000,000 rubles are given for a killed soldier and 12,000,000 rubles for a killed officer, as well as the wages of the combatants – this is money that is in no way invested in human capital, does not produce quality, does not create a future, does not are invested in anything that will become a civilian profession, nor can it be multiplied by application in other branches of industry and sectors of the economy.
Nothing that the main revenues in the Russian budget are from oil anyway.
The war in Ukraine does not and will not solve the problems in the Russian state and the Russian economy that prompted Putin and his cohorts to start it.
The war in Ukraine is not the solution to these problems of Russia – rather, it has already become part of these problems.
The raging militarization of Russia, of the Russian power and business elites, of the Russian industry, of the Russian public consciousness can lead and is already leading to an even stronger militarization.
The rampant militarization of Russia does not lead to any success – neither in the economy, nor in finance, nor in industry, nor in the quality of life, nor in the quality of education, nor in the quality of health care, nor in the quality of the environment.
The rampant militarization of Russia is eating away the labor force (killing it or incapacitating it). In Russia, the lack of labor force is becoming immeasurable. There are four ways to solve this problem:
--- allow (and force) children over 14 to join the workforce;
--- or oblige pensioners to work by raising the retirement age again or by economic coercion;
--- or to divert people from the administrative, scientific, educational or service sectors of the industry into production;
--- or bring in workers from Africa – like the 10,000 Kenyans already brought in.
The raging militarization of Russia only deepens the demographic (some emigrate, others die, others become disabled, and the fourth are for many years in the political GUlag).
I can continue this sad and depressing story for Russia. But I'll stop there for now. I will only say that the militarization of Russia leads to even greater militarization to even greater militarization to even greater militarization and so on.
Let's look at the two main scenarios:
⁕ If Russia wins the War against Ukraine;
⁕ If Russia loses the War against Ukraine.
IF RUSSIA WINS THE WAR AGAINST UKRAINE, its militarization will not want to stop and will not stop. Because:
--- There is no way that the hundreds and thousands of enterprises working in three shifts, producing huge armaments for two years now, will stop.
--- There is no painless way to get the economy back on civilian tracks.
--- There is no way for the militarized millions of people to break with the army or with the Armed Forces.
--- There is no way the militarization profiteers are going to give up their substantial gains.
So, if it wins in Ukraine, Russia will feel an increasing hunger for new Wars.
Putin's Russia is on the road to War. And it will continue on this path.
And after Ukraine, who are next? There are four options for where militarized Russia will continue:
--- To the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia);
--- To Transcaucasia (Georgia, Armenia);
--- To Moldova;
--- To Bulgaria.
Let's say it clearly and let this sound like an alarming bell that rings alarmingly for Bulgaria and Bulgarians, for all Bulgarians:
If Russia wins in Ukraine, it is very likely, and I would say – most likely, that Russia will intervene with force (with quite hard or sometimes with relatively soft force) in Bulgaria.
In Bulgaria, there are too many „zhduni“ (expectants);
There are too many rashists in Bulgaria;
There are too many Russian spies, agents, cops, informers in Bulgaria – both in society as a whole, and in management, in business, in higher education, and above all in the security system – especially in the special services and the armed forces.
There are too many people in Bulgaria who are indifferent to our national security.
Bulgaria is NATO's weak point.
Bulgaria is internally divided and opposed to each other.
Bulgaria is an appetizing morsel for the Russian economy.
Bulgaria has long been considered the most sovietized (Russified) country from the former social camp („Chicken not a bird, Bulgaria not a foreign country“).
Bulgaria is the most affected – as if struck by leprosy – by Russophilia.
Let everyone, especially Russophiles, think and reflect:
Do they want Bulgaria to lose its independence?
Do they want the rashist boot to start stomping on us here?
Do they want the rashist paramilitary gangs and hordes to rage here?
Do they want violence to flare up here, extermination of patriots, capable, intelligent, pro-European people?
We must all realize, make it mercilessly clear:
Nothing good will come for Bulgaria from Putin's Russia!
Putin's Russia is a black hole that swallows everything and makes life blacker in the territories and people it has conquered.
IF RUSSIA LOSES THE WAR AGAINST UKRAINE, then the bad scenarios are
all for Russia.
Although it is not an empire, Russia as an „empire“ will undergo another collapse – after the collapse of the socialist camp, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Then internal battles and even internal wars will begin in Russia.
There are not one, but SEVEN FAULT LINES in Russia.
These lines will become barricades, and over the barricades will be fired.
These lines are seven divisions into irreconcilable camps, the clarification of relations between which will by no means be peaceful.
Along some or several of these lines wars are inevitable.
I'm going to line up these seven fault lines. I will discuss them in detail in another text.
Here, the arrangement of these fault lines is not based on importance and urgency, but only for methodological reasons. To be in order of importance, certain criteria will be required.
The social divide in Russia is colossal and growing. The country is divided into three categories in the ratio: 1%:5%:94% – ultra-rich, 1%; very rich, 5%; the rest Russians, 94%.
And these are irreconcilable categories, and reconciliation between them is not possible.
The people are madly afraid of power and hate it madly, but if large-scale and self-inflicted violence breaks out, then all sorts of development scenarios are possible.
PROVINCIAL RUSSIA VERSUS BIG CITIES (Moscow, St. Petersburg and several other megacities)
If there is something that literally the whole of Russia cannot stand and constantly curses, it is Moscow, because it leads a parasitic life and sucks up huge resources, holds a standard of living that is unbearable for the regions. The situation is particularly sad in the so-called deep province, where the poor people somehow manage to survive.
The oligarchs lose materially and in terms of privileges from the war and sanctions, they hate Putin's gang of corrupt people, whose mouths they have to constantly and increasingly fill. The hatred there has reached explosive peaks. If anywhere Putin has certainly lost trust, it is among the oligarchs he constantly pressures and squeezes.
The „Afghan“ syndrome, the malice of those who rotted, suffered and were wounded and disabled on the battlefields in Ukraine, against the population that remained almost oblivious and indifferent to the war, will be revived on a huge scale. Hundreds of thousands accustomed to violence and murder will return from the front, armed people who will beat, rape, rape and rob, will join the ranks of those who can neither live nor earn money, nor have at least any property except through criminal activities.
Putin's regime gave birth (de facto, and some of them almost de jure) to terrible armed structures, called by the public and self-called PMCs. Every governor, every oligarch, every rich man, every top administrator creates his own similar structure. In Russia, not only the state has a monopoly on the use of armed force, but also the PMC. This clash will probably be the bloodiest and will be fought until one side is totally annihilated.
Russia is one of the most numerous Muslim countries in the world – over 20, and according to some statistics, over 25 million. At least one in seven citizens of Russia is Muslim. And against this background, the Great Russian Orthodox chauvinism, the increasingly frequent statements of high clergy and politicians that everyone in Russia is Russian, is madness.
Russian World of Putin is Russian – as the name of the very ethnic group is, no matter that not evri citizen of Russia is from Russian ethnic group. Russian World of Putin is MONO-orthodox, not MULTI-religious.
This insanity of Putin's country, in which less than 5% are Muslims, i.e. it is inaccessible to Muslims, it lays a time-delayed mine in the very foundations of Russia.
As a prominent Russian economist says, after losing the war against Ukraine, CIVIL WAR will begin in Russia. And this CIVIL WAR will not be fought and guided by values, ideas, principles and ideologies, but will be
It will be
What are the conclusions from what is written here?
1. Putin's Russia is the biggest and existential threat to Bulgaria.
2. Bulgaria is catastrophically, even apocalyptically interested in Russia losing the war in Ukraine – this is the top national interest for our country.
3. Bulgaria has no other protection for its national security except from NATO and the EU. Today, anyone who is against NATO and the EU is willingly or unwillingly committing treason against Bulgaria and its national security, its independence, its territorial integrity, its sovereignty and its existence as an independent and developing country.
4. Let the Russophiles love the myth „Russia“, the archetype „Russia“, the idea „Russia“, the imagination „Russia“, but they must realize with infinite depth and immeasurable responsibility that Putin's Russia has nothing to do with the myth „Russia“, with the archetype „Russia“, with the idea „Russia“, with the imagination „Russia“. And what's more - Putin's Russia is indescribably and unacceptable harmful and dangerous for Bulgaria, for the Bulgarian people, for the normality of our country and for the future of our children and grandchildren.