A new genre of strategic analysis, or rather strategic post-factum analysis, has emerged in the West.

Lengthy and programmatic texts are being written with the aim of explaining what the West has failed to do to help Ukraine and justifying what the West has done to hinder Ukraine.
Efforts are made to find countless explanations, all in an attempt to avoid admitting that the West had no credible information about Putin's potential use of nuclear weapons—it was simply afraid. Purely and simply afraid.
And it remains afraid even now.

The West has been afraid, and this is not only the main reason but the sole reason why it has refrained from doing what should be done and has done what should not be done.

Putin cynically and maliciously exploits this cowardice of the West, blackmailing and mocking it. In his escalation of fear in the West and his exploitation of that fear, Putin is proactive. The West, on the other hand, is reactive.
The game is being played by Putin's rules and in the West's penalty area.
This is how it works in the criminal underworld of Leningrad's backyards in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s—you make your opponent afraid and then exploit that fear to the maximum and on a continuous basis.

Since the beginning of Putin’s war against Ukraine, not only has the West feared Putin—after all, it has always feared him.
There is more: the West has feared and continues to fear the very fear of Putin.

Every individual and every society can experience fear at certain moments and in certain situations.
To feel fear is human, all too human.
A person is a fearful being.
A person becomes Human in the constant battle with fear. Life, in essence, is a persistent, often desperate effort to overcome fear.
But when one fears fear itself, it reveals a fundamental characteristic of that person or society—such a person is a coward, such a society is cowardly.

Russia’s war against Ukraine has shown and proven that the primary strategic characteristic of the West today is that the West is a coward. A pathetic coward!

The most important question is this: When did the brave, prosperous, visionary West that led the world forward turn into a coward? A pathetic coward?
At what point did the West break?
The fact that the West is cowardly today, that the West is a coward, is actually its defining strategic trait.

If the West wants to continue to exist as the West, it must overcome this fatal trait of being a coward! A pathetic coward!
No matter what strategic arguments the West uses to explain what it is and why it is this way.



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