We look at another shocking election result as yet another extremely unpleasant isolated case.
But this is actually a falling domino - tile after tile.

We are talking about a catastrophically destructive process, based on a very dangerous pattern.
We are observing a time of terrible staggering in a revanchist, nazist, chauvinistic, misanthropic direction and of political parasitism on low and poor, primitive and first-signal drives and instincts.

But Western leaders pretend not to notice this or they notice it, but they underestimate it inexcusably, unacceptably.
Western leaders have neither vision, nor strategy, nor will, nor courage to counteract this process.
They are either blind, or they are indifferent, or they are impotent, or they are simply not leaders.

And yet, let's not blame only the leaders.
In order for leaders to appear in a society, in a (including the Euro-Atlantic) community, the society and the community must be mature, worthy of having leaders and-or be filled with the realized acute need for leaders.
Otherwise, even if there are leaders, they will exist in a vacuum, they will remain unsought and unclaimed, unnoticed and unrecognized.

The eternal fields of History are overflowing with the mortal remains of leaders for whom there was no - so to speak - public order to appear and-or there were no societies and communities that would have recognized them as leaders.



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